20 Anniversary Newsletter

HRCap [에이치알캡] 20th Anniversary Series Part 2

hrcap2020 2020. 10. 21. 00:03

HRCap 20th Anniversary Newsletter Series

  • Part 1: Celebrating HRCap 20th Anniversary

  • Part 2: Launching Upgraded HRCap CRM System

  • Part 3: Showcasing HRCap Resume and Interview Coaching Services

  • Part 4: Introducing New HRCap HQ Office

  • Part 5: Marketing HRCap Brand

  • Part 6: Digitizing HRCap HR Seminars

  • Part 7: Revitalizing HRCap Website

  • Part 8: Announcing HRCap New Vision


Launching Upgraded HRCap CRM System

June 7, 2020 marked the 20th year anniversary for HRCap. In honor of this milestone, we have been highlighting our new digital projects, HR expertise, and celebratory corporate initiatives throughout the month of June in our Anniversary Newsletter Series.


Part 1 of the series was sent out the first week of June, focusing on Celebrating HRCap’s 20th Anniversary (click to view). This week’s Newsletter will highlight HRCap’s CRM System. HRCap’s CRM (Customer Relationship Management) System has been strategically designed to provide our clients with real time recruiting process updates, improved UI experiences with live data, and proactive special recommendations aligned to market demands and customized client needs.


We have officially launched our pilot program for the CRM system for selected clients, and have received tremendous input for greater demand and further development. The following will showcase some of the core features of the HRCap CRM System.


1. Main Page

HRCap - CRM Main

The Main Page is the Client’s profile page. Currently, it only lists the Client’s information, history of all recruiting related messages with HRCap, and the contact list. The page is being developed to also include additional “posting” features that would allow the Client to share announcements or information with HRCap.


2. Position List

HRCap - CRM Position

The Positions List page contains real-time recruiting statuses. The Client will be able to access each recruitment project and view live status updates for each respective position. The Client is also able to view key information regarding each position, that were discussed with HRCap (email, text message, phone calls),through the Communication History logs. Lastly, the Client is able to provide feedback and communicate with HRCap directly for each position, by using the Write function.


3. Special Recommendation

HRCap - CRM Recommendations

The Special Recommendations page is a customized list of candidates identified by HRCap as a strong fit for the Client. With each recommendation, the candidate will be marked as “new” and the Client will be able to View the candidate’s background (education, work experience, language, skill) and reason for proactive special recommendation. If interested, the Client can use the Request function to officially obtain the candidate’s contact information through HRCap.


4. News and Announcement

HRCap - CRM News

The News and Announcements page contains a list of all the Newsletters HRCap has published and any news article pertaining to HRCap. This information hub allows the Client to find more information and stay up to date with HRCap’s current events. HRCap will further develop the announcements with industry research, seminars, conferences, or any special events planned.


HRCap will continue to design and update the CRM so that it benefits the Client. The goal is to make the CRM system a one-stop information and communication hub between HRCap and the Client. A mobile version of the CRM will also be developed to provide real-time updates for the Client for easier access on the go.


If you would like to sign up for the CRM Service, please contact us directly at crm@hrcap.com for further information.


Next week, we will continue the Anniversary Newsletter Series with Part 3. As our trusted partner, please join us in celebrating our 20 year anniversary by sending us a congratulatory message for the video montage and completing the online survey by Sunday June 21, 2020!

HRCap - 20 years




HRCap E-Newsletter – Issue #108, June 2020