Instagram 16

HRCap [에이치알캡] 4 Ways to Raise Your Chances of Acing Your Job Interview

Remember that every stage in the hiring process, from application to offer negotiation, is an opportunity to demonstrate that you are the best-fitted candidate for the position. 1. Research the company corporate mission and culture Culture fit is one of the top qualities employers look for to ensure the candidate can align with the company's value. Read through the company website and research r..

Instagram 2020.10.21

HRCap [에이치알캡] 6 Ways the Pandemic will Make Companies More Human

“At a time when the world is grieving the many losses from COVID-19 and examining roles, responsibilities and responses to #blacklivesmatter, wouldn’t be extraordinary if we could emerge from this with better, safer, more meaningful and more human workplaces?” - Human Resource Executive 1. Powershift: Top-down leadership will feel stale and fake With remote work, new processes and procedures wil..

Instagram 2020.10.20

HRCap [에이치알캡] Actively be on the Job Hunt: Common Misconceptions vs. Reality

If you are sitting on the sidelines and not actively looking and applying for jobs because of these misconceptions, look at the reality. Waiting to start job hunting may prove to be the wrong strategy. Now is a great opportunity to look outside of your industry or location and strategize in the job search. Misconception #1: No one is hiring Reality: This is a common misconception and excuse for ..

Instagram 2020.10.20