
HRCap [에이치알캡] How to Prepare for a Return to the Office

hrcap2020 2020. 10. 20. 23:29

HRCap Office

Though the transition to work-from-home may have proved challenging, the transition back to the workplace may be harder. For those who are soon returning to the office, here are some tips on how to prepare yourself.


1.Monitor Your Anxiety

Talk to someone about it to release and monitor your anxiety. Speak to your direct manager, colleague, HR leadership, or even a therapist


2. Manage expectations

Speak when you need to so that you can prevent misassumptions, and find a respectful, honest way to self-advocate


3. Stock up on patience and flexibility

Expect company protocols to shift over time. Manage your expectations with patience and flexibility so you don’t become irritated or nervous with each change


4. Stay focused on the bigger story

This pandemic has required us to quickly adapt to unprecedented challenges. See the bigger story of growth and transformation, so that we can turn challenges into opportunities



Source: Harvard Business Review


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