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10 Proven Strategies for Unlocking a Positive Employee Experience

hrcap2020 2024. 2. 24. 00:30

A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Sustainable, Thriving Workplace


Written by HRCap, Inc.

February 22, 2024



As the modern workplace continues to evolve, businesses are growing more attuned to the importance of the employee experience. In a 2021 survey, 92% of employers worldwide said the employee experience would become a priority from 2021 to 2023


Far beyond job satisfaction and engagement, the employee experience encompasses the overall combined interactions an employee has with the organization, workspace, people, and policies. Employee job satisfaction and engagement are possible indicators of the employee experience as they reflect how employees feel about the company and their work. As organizations aim to cultivate environments that draw in top talent and also keep them committed, enhancing the employee experience becomes a strategic necessity.


To improve employee experience, companies need to acquire a holistic understanding of an employee’s journey with them, which starts as early as recruitment and continues through their employment tenure and up to their possible departure. Key factors that define the quality of an organization’s employee experience include work environment, company culture, leadership, employee feedback, learning and development, and workplace policies.


With the heightened focus on enhancing customer and user experience, organizations should also prioritize their efforts on improving the employee experience because it directly impacts overall business performance.


6 Benefits of Employee Experience


Companies that improve employee experience can realize many benefits of positive employee experience that will aid business development.


1. Higher Job Satisfaction

Having high employee experience is linked to a better work environment, improved relationships with colleagues and management, and a sense of purpose. Research shows that employees who cited having high employee experience had 59% higher job satisfaction


2. Increased Motivation and Effort

When employees feel satisfied with their work, they tend to feel more motivated to perform well. This is because job satisfaction creates a positive work environment, which fosters a sense of ownership and pride in one's work. When employee experience is positive, discretionary effort is almost twice more likely to be reported. This means that employees who experience job satisfaction are more likely to invest additional effort to help their team achieve mutual goals and improve overall performance.


3. Better Work Performance

Employees who are motivated and engaged in their work tend to achieve higher levels of productivity, benefitting their overall performance. Research indicates that employees who report higher levels of employee experience are more likely to perform well at their jobs. In fact, 96% of workers with higher employee experience reported high levels of work performance, which is 23% higher than those with lower employee experience.


4. Improved Customer Satisfaction

A positive employee experience can also lead to better customer service. When employees are engaged and high-performing, they will be able to be at their best when facing customers. 54% of organizations that invested in employee experience saw improvements in customer satisfaction.


5. Stronger Employee Retention

Positive employee experience is also connected to increased employee loyalty and retention. Employees with positive experiences are 52% less likely to consider leaving their current organization.


6. Greater Business Success & Revenue

Organizations that provide a positive employee experience also see a boost in business success. According to Harvard Business Review 2022 research, if stores could improve their employee experience from the bottom quartile to the top quartile, they would increase revenues by more than 50%



10 Proven Strategies for Enhancing Employee Experience


Organizations that want to improve the employee experience need to apply different strategies that will positively impact every stage of the employee journey.


1. Provide a Positive Onboarding Experience

A good onboarding experience is paramount in setting the tone for an employee's journey. In fact, 53% of HR Executives indicated that effective onboarding improves employee engagement rates. A comprehensive onboarding process not only familiarizes new hires with their roles and responsibilities but also introduces them to the company culture, values, and objectives. 


[Related: 10 Best Onboarding Practices for All Companies]


2. Train Competent Leaders and Managers

Training competent leaders and managers is a cornerstone of organizational success, as they are mediators of employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention. Glassdoor research shows that 57% of employees would consider leaving their jobs for a better manager, highlighting the critical role that leadership plays in shaping the employee experience. Investing in leadership development not only equips managers with the necessary tools to guide their teams but also fosters a positive work culture where employees feel supported, valued, and motivated to contribute their best efforts.


3. Build a Collaborative, Inclusive Work Environment


Building a collaborative, inclusive work environment is vital to unlocking a team’s full potential and cultivating a positive employee experience. When employees feel supported by their coworkers, 77% report a more positive experience when they agree that colleagues help each other out when needed. Additionally, when individuals feel a strong sense of belonging, they are three times more likely to look forward to the workday. A collaborative, inclusive culture fosters a sense of belonging and innovation as team members feel empowered to contribute their unique skills and perspectives toward common goals.


4. Offer Continuous, Constructive Feedback

Consistent feedback is crucial for fostering a culture of growth and mutual support. When employees receive feedback on their work performance, a staggering 80% report a more positive employee experience, which underscores the importance of regular communication and constructive feedback in shaping employee satisfaction and engagement. Continuous feedback enables employees to understand their strengths and areas for improvement in real-time, empowering them to take ownership of their professional development.


5. Align Culture with the Company’s Mission and Values

Aligning the company's culture with its mission and values is essential for creating a cohesive and purpose-driven workplace environment. 80% of employees report a more positive work experience, when they agree that their work aligns with the organization's core values. When a company clearly articulates its mission and values and integrates them into daily operations, employees feel a stronger sense of purpose. 


6. Give Work Autonomy and Flexibility

Granting employees autonomy and flexibility is crucial for fostering a positive workplace culture. Research indicates that when employees agree they have the freedom to decide how to accomplish their tasks, 79% of workers report a more positive employee experience. Empowering employees to make decisions about their work methods not only boosts morale but also cultivates a sense of ownership and accountability. It allows individuals to leverage their strengths, creativity, and problem-solving skills, leading to higher levels of innovation.


7. Empower with Growth Opportunities

Providing growth opportunities within the workplace is fundamental not only for attracting and retaining top talent but also for encouraging a culture of continuous learning. 59% of professionals evaluate a company’s growth opportunities to decide whether it is a good fit for them. By investing in training programs and opportunities for advancement, companies demonstrate their commitment to nurturing talent and supporting individual growth trajectories. 


[Related: 5 Benefits of a Winning Learning & Development Program]


8. Recognize and Reward

Recognizing and rewarding employees for their contributions is integral to maintaining a motivated and engaged workforce. Research reveals that when employees agree they receive recognition for their good work, 83% report a more positive employee experience. Recognition can take various forms, including verbal praise, awards, bonuses, or opportunities for advancement. Regardless of the method, genuine recognition communicates to employees that their efforts are valued and their hard work is noticed. 


9. Ensure a Positive Work-Life Balance

Ensuring a positive work-life balance is essential for promoting employee well-being and satisfaction. Research shows 70% of professionals prioritize work-life balance in their job search to determine if it’s a good fit for them. Achieving a healthy work-life balance is crucial for reducing stress, preventing burnout, and maintaining overall happiness and productivity. Organizations that prioritize work-life balance demonstrate their commitment to supporting employees' holistic needs and recognizing the importance of downtime and relaxation. 


10. Instill Purpose and Meaning in Work

Attaching purpose and meaning to work is essential for fostering a sense of fulfillment and engagement among employees. Organizations with a greater sense of purpose saw their employees reporting that their work was more meaningful. When individuals understand how they contribute to larger goals and positively impact society or the organization's mission, they are more likely to feel invested in their work and derive a greater sense of fulfillment from it. Companies prioritizing purpose-driven work create environments where employees feel inspired, valued, and connected to something greater than themselves.


Implementing these strategies collectively creates an engaging workplace where employees feel valued and motivated, which contributes to a positive and enriching employee experience.




Prioritizing the employee experience is crucial for businesses that want to succeed in today's fast-paced and competitive environment. By improving the employee experience, companies can boost job satisfaction, increase employee motivation, enhance work performance, and achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction.


To achieve this, organizations must understand the key factors that influence employee experience and implement strategies that positively impact every stage of the employee journey. Only by optimizing the employee experience can companies truly develop a thriving business.



Sources: HRCap, SHRM, Human Resource Executive, IBM, Workleap, HBR, SilkRoad Technology, Glassdoor, Great Place to Work, CBS News, Forbes

Original Source: 10 Proven Strategies for Unlocking a Positive Employee Experience