2024/08 5

HRCap Successfully Presents On Business Life Cycle During 2024 KOCHAM Employment Seminar

Published by HRCap, Inc. on August 28, 2024  On Friday, August 23, 2024, KOCHAM (Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the USA) hosted their annual Employment Seminar on Guide to Successful Recruitment and Labor Management. Over 60 professionals attended this online seminar that featured CMO and Head of Americas, Stella H. Kim, and Labor and Business Partner at Lim & Partners, Joshua S. Lim..

카테고리 없음 2024.08.29

[중앙일보] "전문가 칼럼: 미래형 핵심인재는 스펙 아닌 퍼스널 브랜드 강화에 집중"

경험보다 태도, 경력보다 잠재력 7 HRCap Non-Negotiable Soft SkillsPrinted & Published on 8/15/2024[전문가 칼럼] 미래형 핵심인재는 스펙 아닌 퍼스널 브랜드 강화에 집중기업들이 겉으로 말하지는 않지만, 요즘 채용할 때 중요하게 생각하는 것은 과연 무엇일까?  바로 추천된 후보자에 대해 '스펙이 얼마나 좋나요'가 아니라, '사람이 어떤가요'라고 더 많이 물어본다는 점이다. 전 직장에서의 성과보다는 이직 사유와 지원 동기를 궁금해하며, 후보자의 학력·경력보다 인품과 자세를 검증해주길 원한다. 책임감은 강한지, 도덕성은 높은지, 성실하고 진솔한 태도를 가졌는지, 소통능력과 대인관계는 좋은지 여러 차례 스크리닝 및 평판 조회를 통해 파악해달라고 요청한다.지금까..

카테고리 없음 2024.08.16

Accelerating Business Success Through 3 Powerful Inorganic Growth Strategies

Maximizing Business Expansion Through External MeansPublished by HRCap, Inc. on August 8, 2024   Every organization wants to achieve growth in today's dynamic business landscape. While organic growth is essential, realizing significant gains often requires more time and essential resources. By leveraging inorganic growth strategies, companies can unlock new markets and achieve sustainable busine..

카테고리 없음 2024.08.08

Spotlights by HRCap: Top 12 Marketing Executives to Follow in 2024

Published by HRCap, Inc. on August 1, 2024  Marketing executives are the strategic leaders behind the brand narratives and customer engagement strategies that drive business success. These leaders blend creativity with data-driven insights to craft captivating campaigns that reach audiences and elevate brands to new heights. Their expertise in understanding consumer behavior, market trends, and ..

카테고리 없음 2024.08.02