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February Insight 1

hrcap2020 2023. 10. 24. 02:08

Based on HRCap’s recent market research with LinkedIn data, we identified the top 4 commonly acquired skills among bilingual candidates currently active in the job market as of February 2023. Through a comparison between entry-level candidates and upper-Level candidates (Directors & up), we found that entry-level candidates have listed Customer Experience (4.69% vs. upper-level at 4.35%) and Data Entry (12.03% vs. upper-level 8.61%) as their most critical skills. Upper-level candidates have acquired and applied Data Analysis (11.76% vs. entry-level at 8.61%) and Analytical Skills (13.97% vs. entry-level at 10.11%) in their careers. Customer/client-experience (CX) is an emerging skill among newer candidates, while analytical skills (market data & trends) are now in greater supply among seasoned leaders. This shows that professionals are actively gaining data literacy and advanced digital skills to best analyze and leverage data for higher customer satisfaction and greater digital transformation. This data reflects percentages from a total of 270,719+ candidates (139,719+ entry-level, 131,000+ upper-level).