HR Insights

May Insight 2

hrcap2020 2023. 10. 24. 02:12

In our last HR Insights update, HRCap presented the national distribution of AI-related HR positions across the states. For this week’s release, we highlight the Top 5 AI-related HR positions: People Analytics, Data Scientist, Talent Influencer, Talent Scientist and HR Chatbot Support. 


People Analytics, Data Scientist, and Talent Influencer positions had the highest market activity and employment. While People Analytics has the highest number of currently employed candidates, data also reveals that of those employed in such People Analytics roles, 38.2% have indicated they are open to work (willing to consider new opportunities) and 15.7% are active candidates (engaging in career conversations, submitting resumes, carefully reviewing new opportunities).


This emphasizes the volatility of AI’s booming prevalence in HR. As candidates increase their digital and AI awareness, they are also raising their market competitiveness and, thus, actively looking for more exciting roles and competitive offers that match their growing digital expertise. 


We recommend that current recruiters, hiring managers, and business executives keep up to date with the booming relevance of AI in Human Resources to invest in compelling work environment and benefits packages for all employee, while also strengthening their Emotional Intelligence to lead digitized operations efficiently.

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