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The Korea Daily (JoongAng Ilbo) Appoints our CMO Stella H. Kim as Expert Columnist

The Korea Daily (JoongAng Ilbo) Appoints our CMO Stella H. Kim as Expert Columnist Written by HRCap, Inc. January 19, 2023 The Korea Daily (JoongAng Ilbo) has appointed Stella H. Kim, Chief Marketing Officer and Vice President at HRCap, Inc., to be an expert columnist on the topics of Human Resources. The Korea Daily is the largest Korean media group in the U.S. that printed its first U.S. editi..

HRCap Newsletter 2023.01.21

HRCap [에이치알캡] HRCap Officially Partners with AAPI Montclair and Promotes the 2023 New Year Event

HRCap Officially Partners with AAPI Montclair and Promotes the 2023 Lunar New Year Event Written by HRCap, Inc. January 19, 2023 Last year, HRCap entered a meaningful partnership with AAPI Montclair and cohosted AAPI Montclair’s event “A Harvest Moon Soirée” in September 2022. AAPI Montclair is a non-profit organization with the mission to facilitate a safer space to share AAPI experiences and c..

카테고리 없음 2023.01.20

HRCap [에이치알캡] 2023년도 HRCap 경영과제 및 실행목표

HRCap CEO's 2023 New Year Message Written by HRCap Inc. January 3, 2023 1. 서두 펜데믹이후 업무환경이 효율성 및 생산성 극대화 변화모드로 바뀌면서 생존위기 및 비상경영체제 모드가 일상 생활화 업무환경: 세대교체, 고객/직원경험, 디지털전환, 성과위주, 하이브리드, 머신러닝, 워라벨, 에자일, 미래투자(사업.지역.인재), 핵심인재채용유지 등 불확실한 글로벌 불경기생존 위한 사업 및 인력 구조 전면개편 위기극복과 미래준비를 동시에 해야 하는 전략과 철저한 준비가 생존의 관건 승부사업 선택 및 과감한 실행력에 올인하는 에자일(Agile) 조직구조 HRCap 외부: 글로벌 인재시장과 고객사업 변화에 선제적 대응, 소통, 신뢰관계 유지 내부: 고객가치경험..

카테고리 없음 2023.01.04

HRCap [에이치알캡] Leadership Table Talk Series VI - Holiday Reflections and New Year Planning

Leadership Table Talk Series VI - Holiday Reflections and New Year Planning Written by HRCap, Inc. December 27, 2022 As we reach the end of the year, companies and organizations across the globe are all working hard to reach their quotas and meet their annual expectations. In fact, this time period has affected the work-life balance for most employees in America. While productivity can be reward..

카테고리 없음 2022.12.29